Solo exhibition and live painting

Embassy of the Republic of Serbia

Prague, Czech Republic

Filip Jovanovic slikar artist Borislav Vekic embassy Prague
Filipi Jovanovic Artist Prague Ambasy
Filip Jovanovic artist slikar ambasy Prague Europa
Filip Jovanovic slikar artist ministarstvo spoljnjih poslova

Charles Bridge – Ambassador Berislav Vekić Prague, Czech Republic

FILIP JOVANOVIC artist slikar Berislav Vekic Ambasador

Some of my guest appearances

Solo exhibition and live painting

Cultural Center Caisa

Helsinki, Finland

CAIS live painting

The exhibition was opened by the ambassador Saša Obradović and the director of the Cultural Center Caisa Catia Soumalainen Pedroso

sasa obradovic filip jovanovic helsinki caisa
helsinki kaisa filip jovanovic sasa obradovic
ministarstvo spoljnjih poslova izlozba Fiilip Jovanovic slikar artist

Atmosphere of the exhibition


Solo exhibition and live paiting

National Museum of Art in Kemi, Lapland.

filip jovanovic museum kemi
ffilip jovanovic_museum of art_kemi_lapland

Solo exhibition and live painting

Kemi – Lummilina

Snow Castle

filip jovanovic artist snow castle kemi lummilina
filip jovanovic artist kemi lummilina
filip jovanovic artist kemi lummilina snow vcastle

Solo exhibition and live painting

Embassy of the Republic of Serbia

Helsinki, Finland

filipjovanovic embassy
filip jovanovic slikar artist

Special solo exhibition

Embassy of the Republic of Serbia

Ambassador Ana Hrustanović

Rome, Italy

filip jovanovic ambassador Ana Hrustanović

The Biennale in Rome III Mondo Dell‘ Arte

Rome, Italy

Mr. Claudio Lepri

Biennale Mondo del Arte Claudio Lepri filip jovanovic Roma

The Biennale in Rome III Mondo Dell‘ Arte

Rome, Italy

Mr. Antonio Sorgente

Mr. Antonio Sorgenta Biennale Mondo del Arte Roma filip jovanovic bienale Rome winer Filip Jovanović


Monaco – Monte Carlo


Solo exhibition and live painting

Andric City, Serbia

filipjovanovicandriccity serbia

Special solo exhibition and live painting

Passarola – Hvar, Croatia

filipjovanovic_passarola_hvar croatia
filipjovanovic_hvar exhibition


Belgrade, Serbia

filipjovanovic_gvarnerius belgrade

Some of my guest appearances